

At present, the int1ucnce of various cultures on the different communities of the world is a significant part of anthropological
researches. In this research, it has been tried to study and survey the influence of the Hindu culture on the life-styles of the Muslims in India,
esp. those living in Patna and Ranchi.
It should be taken into consideration that these communities, i.e.
the Muslims and the Hindus, have lived and been together not only in the above - mentioned cities but also in the other states for more than
one thousand years. The Hindu social system, social structure, caste hierarchy, food, dress, etc. have all caused a specific harmony and
concord with the Hindu community.
Today, the Indian Muslims playa very important role in the active
life of the nation and share the national enthusiasm. Their various participations in different fields and activities may be noticed in the
present Hindu community of which they are an entwined section.
