

This article attempts to contemplate on Imam Khomeini’s principal idea pertaining to the necessity of enhancing social trust and participation-seeking, as an approach in political activity in Iran. In Imam Khomeini’s view, when people’s conscious participation is increased in tandem with their self-confidence, then, a basis for equal rights and duties is established between people and the administration of government, and power relations will change from its previous general and unidirectional (up-to-bottom), to bidirectional cooperation between society and the political institution. As a result of this change, the citizens, as equal individuals, are connected with one another.
Imam Khomeini criticizes the views portraying the masses as stubborn and self-admiring, as aggregates which seem not to believe in delegating the management of affairs to popular associations and non-governmental organizations. Nonetheless, Imam Khomeini does not suffice to theorization, and as the political leader involved in the current affairs, he presents applicable strategies and makes efforts toward their realization. Obviously, such a delineation of a society characterized by participation-seeking does not mean the negation of political institution which is an important societal instrument in achieving political goals. Instead, it points to this matter that if social and political actions are directed toward networks enjoying high degree of self-determination, which include a trust in own and in colleagues’ abilities, then the civil society will reach its envisaged opportunities much easier, and the government will carry out its responsibilities as regards laying the grounds for the formation of people’s will
