

In _he first part of this article an attempt is made to clarify the concept of the optimum population. The static concept of the optimum population versus the dynamic concept of the optimum population is discussed. The dynamic concept of the optimum population which looks for the most suitable rate of population growth is becoming more acceptable and has substituted the static cocept of the optimum population which was merely looking for an absolute number of population to express the optimum population.
In the second part of the article high growth rate of the population of Iran during the last four decades is eleborated. The importance of the inclusion of the family planning programs in 1989-1993 development plan and the necessity of continuation of such programs in order to achieve a moderate and suitable low rate of population growth rate in Iran is emphasized.
Finally, as a conclusion some of the theoretical characteristics of the
optimum population are mentioned in this article. There is a general belief among the population scientists that what occured in the developed countries will ultimately occur in the developing countries. That is, following the drastic reduction in mortality in Africa, Asia, and the Latin America, the fertility will also reduce and the population growth rate will become moderate. Of course, the reduction of mortality and its consequence the reduction of fertility both occur in the context of socio-economic development. During the last decade, there has been promising signs of the reduction in fertility in many countries of Asia and the Latin America and Iran as well. The continuation of this trend will bring about an optimum level of population growth rate in the next century.