

This article aims to criticise the approoah of orientalists and sociologists' to the so called unresolvable contradictions between Islam and capitalism. Orientalists and sociologists which were influenced by them believe That oriental societies are stagnant, whithout inner Dynamics and rulled by despotism. Islam is found guilty because the rigidity of Islamic discourse connot allow the new discourses of modernity to flourish. From Bossuet to Rodenson and Marx to Weber, western thinkers repeated This claim with nuances from time to time. this. article wants to disclose the contradictins and anomalies of these thinkers' one sided and Eurocentric narratives and To reveal that Islamic discourse and society is open to scientific novelty, both human and natural.
oriental societies are stagnant, whithout inner Dynamics and rulled by despotism. Islam is found guilty because the rigidity of Islamic discourse connot allow the new discourses of modernity to flourish. From Bossuet to Rodenson and Marx to Weber, western thinkers repeated This claim with nuances from time to time. this. article wants to disclose the contradictins and anomalies of these thinkers' one sided and Eurocentric narratives and To reveal that Islamic discourse and society is open to scientific novelty, both human and natural.