

Anthropology as a branch of social sciences has an mm and an intention. Its aim is to know about the human as he is in flesh and bone and in daily activities and conducts. Its intention, so as to study the man, is to find ways to use the knowledge obtained in solving the peoples' and the communities' social problems. This intention, like in
any other sciences, has sometirnes been ignored. But as it can be deduced from the Holy Koran and the sayings of many Iranian and

Western thinkers, its legitimacy and necessity are acknowledged and supported. Unfortunately, the colonial governments have used the anthropological findings and benefited from them; some of them are presented in this article.
In practice, applied anthropology uses the ethnographic findings in order to help the communities overcome their cultural lags . So as to do this, the way is to train those who are in charge of tasks, directly or indirectly, related to the social and cultural development. Their training should include the ethnography of the community of their concerns and the art of educating the public.
