

The real viewpoint of Zoroastrianism concerning close family members marriage and the frequency rate of this sort of marriage among the ancient Iranians has been a critical topic discussed by the historians, researchers, and the scholars of the Iranian studies for ages. Hence, in
this research, it has been tried to survey and analyze this conflict without any prejudice, pre - assumptions, and value - oriented attitude.
In general, one may conclude that marriage among close family members was noticed in ancient Iran, though, it was not so frequent and prevailing except for the kings and the aristocrats. There were certain

reasons and factors for this sort of marriage at that time, such as appropriate social status, ethnicity motivations, xenophobia, maintaining parentage originality, their belief regarding the positive effect of them on biological promotion, reinforcing class status, preventing wealth distribution and loss, facilitating dowry and marriage - money - portion,
At the end, it should be said that this sort of marriage was abolished through the emergence of Islam in Iran.
