

The main goal of this paper is to explain theoretical debates on generational
gap as one of the most important social gaps in contemporary societies. In this regard, we consider two main approaches: historical generation approach, especially Mannheim's generational theory, and structural conflict, Bourdieu's generational conflict theory. while the former approac_1 considers the generational gap as the result of specific experiences of different historical generations, the latter one sees it as the result of unequal distribution of Power and wealth, that is, factors whose nature are economic, symbolic and capital among generations in various social fields.
Our claim is that although these approaches are theoretically complementary and both can explain different aspects, i.e. subjective and objective, of generation gap, they do not have the same efficiency and effects as far as social policy is concerned. It means that Mannheim's theory does not help to. reduce \he existing gap, while Boudieus theory can he used to minimize the geperatiol1,gap via equal
distribution of resources.
